Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday Long Run Report

One town over...

Had a really good run Sunday. Ran from home across to the next town of Reynoldsville. It was a super incredible day, sunny but not terribly hot. Stopped at the UniMart in Reynoldsville and gassed up on Gatorade. It's a relatively flat run, with a few long grades. The only thing I didn't enjoy was running on 322, but that was still pretty manageable. 12:43 min/mi pace makes me very happy. Fitness level, and general good feelings while running makes me extremely happy. Listened to "10 Years" for most of the run, a friend that I am building some websites with turned me on to them after seeing a sample of some of the music I'm currently into. I could listen to "The Autumn effect" album 100 times...really good.