Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday Long Run Report

One town over...

Had a really good run Sunday. Ran from home across to the next town of Reynoldsville. It was a super incredible day, sunny but not terribly hot. Stopped at the UniMart in Reynoldsville and gassed up on Gatorade. It's a relatively flat run, with a few long grades. The only thing I didn't enjoy was running on 322, but that was still pretty manageable. 12:43 min/mi pace makes me very happy. Fitness level, and general good feelings while running makes me extremely happy. Listened to "10 Years" for most of the run, a friend that I am building some websites with turned me on to them after seeing a sample of some of the music I'm currently into. I could listen to "The Autumn effect" album 100 times...really good.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Movie Monday

What I did over the weekend...

This first one is cucumber rapids. To be honest I don't remember it.

railroad rapids....don't remember it.

dimple rapids...oh yeah i remember them. We made it past the big rock, but got hung up on the one below it. Crews on shore were just screaming at us to get out of there. We made it through but ended up with an extra passenger that we pulled out. She had gone out of the boat behind us (they were with us).

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday Long Run Report

Feelin good

9 Miles today. The best 9 miles I ever remember running. I just had a good time. SWMBO sort of challenged me, in that she didn't think it would be less than 2 hours. 1:46 at 11:49 min/mile pace. I love a good challenge. Also, I had my first ever chiropractic adjustment last week, so I was a little curious to see how that would affect. I'm pretty happy, and feeling good. The fair is this week, so I ran up over the hill just to see what was going on. Free entrance today, but since it had been raining there weren't many people up there. They didn't even have the rides together yet. Must be doing that tonight. Passed a lot of people riding their horses up. That was neat, because SWMBO and I were talking about getting a couple. Not any time soon. Maybe next spring. I've got a lot of research to do to figure out what we want.

Just checked last year 9 mile run times - 13:42 min/mile