Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sunday Long Run Report

Things you shouldn't see on the last day of the year...around here anyway.

Had a great run today. I was a little skeptical about tapering and it's benefits, but I'm a believer. Sure, I feel rested, I expected that. What I didn't expect is how strong I feel. I haven't felt this good running for probably a few months. I guess that's the idea of this whole process.

Things I saw today that you just don't normally see on the last day of the year around here:
  • 4 Motorcyclists
  • 1 gentleman hitting golfballs at the driving range
  • 3 gentlemen playing a round of golf
  • 1 runner
The weather was amazing. Cool, but not cold. The 3 guys golfing stopped me to chat for a minute, they were blown away that I was out running 8 miles...until I told them my planned distance next week. Very nice fellas (they own the golf course) and I've golfed with the oldest of them before. The strangest thing I saw was someone else out running. I'm not some idiot that thinks I'm the only one around here that gets out and runs, it was just odd that on this back country road some lady goes past the other way, all geared up like I was. Little things like that make the run fun and interesting.