Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sunday Long Run Report

20 miles whether you like it or not

20 Miles. I knew it was coming eventually. I guess it snuck up a little bit. I didn't feel good and didn't want to run (sound familiar?). around 11:00am I figured if I didn't get going it would be dark before I finished, so I went. It wasn't easy but it wasn't so difficult either. I struggled, but enjoyed the struggle. 5 miles out and 5 miles back. I was standing in the kitchen refilling my water bottles and She Who Must Be Obeyed walked in. She asked me how it was going, and I said, I hurt and I think I'm gonna run 5 more and see how I feel. She said "No, you are running 5 out and 5 back again, you're 3 weeks away from 26.2 and you are going to do this." I wasn't terribly impressed with her suddenly putting her foot down on my running mileage, but she was very right. I had to go 5 out and back or I probably wouldn't have finished the run. She brought me some ice water around mile 14. Training for a marathon is hard to do. I believe it is at least twice as difficult when you have wife and kids, due to the time it takes away from them. I'm lucky to have such a great wife and kids.
Soooooo, today starts the taper. Goals for the taper: Drink nothing but water, Eat healthy breakfast and dinner every day, and 8 hours minimum of sleep per night, and get ALL my miles in.