Time To Give Back
You may have noticed the new section on the left. A little in your face? Good. That's where I want it. The section over there explains everything. A big special thanks to Aunt Dee for being the first one to step up and click the donate button. And apologies, because I had some technical difficulties getting my firstgiving page set up, so Aunt Dee's name doesn't show up on it anymore. I have an email in to technical support to see if we can fix that, so we'll see. I also was assured by the head of online giving at Give Kids The World that the donation did in fact go through, the problem was just in how I made the page. Thank you so much Aunt Dee! (I knew you'd be the first! ;)
So, the goal is $1,000. I have a lot of work to do, and this is only the first of 49 races that I'll be doing this (don't worry, it's going to take years).