Run/Walk For Someone Special
What a sport! The Pittsburgh Pirates' Parrot not only attended the Run/Walk for Someone Special to entertain, but he also took part in the event among the numerous participants Sunday in Sykesville. (Photo by Tom Chapin) Full StoryWoke up Sunday morning and it was pouring rain. So, we got up and got ready, went and picked up Emily and headed for church. It was a nice service, as far as I know. Dee-Jack is apparently beginning his "Don't leave me with these strange people" phase, and before the service even started, the nursery was flashing our number to come and get him. He was hysterical. So daddy got to sit out in the lobby for the service and try to entertain the boy.
After services and lunch it was still raining and actually coming down harder. We drove down by the town hall to see if the run was still on, and saw a few people walking around with their bibs. No problem, I love running in the rain. You just have to get out there and get soaked before you get comfortable.
Went home and relaxed for about an hour and then headed down to register. I hadn't put a lot of time or thinking into this race. I decided about a week ago I was going to do it. That didn't give me a lot of time to get donations, but I did manage to get $50 together thanks to some coworkers and my in-laws and my gorgeous wife (SWMBO). I also decided at the last minute that I was going to run the 5 mile and not the 2 mile, simply because I was doing it for fun, and really didn't care if I came in last place. I needed the miles too.
I got registered, sat around and stretched for a while, watched the Pirate Parrot interact with all the kids and finally we proceeded to the start. Just as we were all walking out to the start line the clouds parted and the sun was shining bright, which was nice, except that I had my tights on and a jacket and was a little over dressed for that kind of weather. The Pirate Parrot sounded the air horn and we were off. I took off way to fast and was really having it at the 1 mile mark. Actually, I don't think it would have mattered how fast or slow I took off, I was in for a long 5 miles. The race goes down a road that I ran several times last year in training, so I knew what to expect, and I knew there was a pretty major hill to tackle about 1.5 mile in. At the 1 mile mark, obviously all the 2 mile runners were turning back and the crowd really thinned out. There couldn't have been but maybe 20 people running the 5. I had a nice clear view of all of them down the road in front of me. As far as I knew I was in last place. I certainly didn't mind and that helped keep a smile going, and I got to cheer everyone on as the passed me heading back in after 2.5 out. I tried to tell everyone they were doing good and keep it up. The young girl in front of me was laughing at both of us as she went past me, I told her she would be fine as long as I didn't pass her. She managed to keep a good 100 yards between us right up to the end where I managed to cut her lead to about 20 yards. My overall goal for the run to run 10-11 minute miles and hopefully finsh under 1 hour. My unofficial time was somewhere aorund 52 minutes, so I was very pleased.
This was the first time I've participated in the Run/Walk for Someone Special. SWMBO has participated in it many times in the past. The race has no entry fee, but they ask that you raise money for the JCARC (Jefferson County Association for Retarded Citizens). This year, as in every year since they began 28 years ago, they set a record for the amount of money raised. The money supports the Associations summer camp activities. It was really amazing given the terrible weather for the day, that they were able to set another record, and that so many people came out to support this really great cause.
The highlight of the day, for me, was when they were announcing this years top fund raisers, and the young man that won first place came up on stage. The race director picked him up and as they handed him his trophy, you would have thought it was the Vince Lombardi Trophy. He was proud, and rightfully so. The young man was obviously elementary school age, and the race director explained that the kid had spent months this past winter going door to door for donations. Sometimes $1 at a time, he was able to raise $3,719! Incredible.