Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday Long Run Report

I don't have anything to say good or bad about my run today. The weather is getting colder and I guess I don't mind it so much. I raked about 10 wheel barrow loads of porkypines (pine tree needles) out of my yard this weekend, and started burning them. The house smelt like smoke all night. Did the last mowing (hopefully) of the year and cleaned up the mower, and found a dead mouse in the engine. This, after half way through mowing, I stopped and chased a live mouse out of the mower with a stick. They are welcome to spend the winter under my mower as long as they don't start eyeing up the house.

Been listening to Simply Stu and really enjoying some of his earlier Interview Series. I am trying real hard not to even think about possible triathalons, need to get over this first hill.